Tuesday, 20 September 2011

project3 Tone and form

Research point.

 Odilon Redon: Odilon Redon  born as Bertrand-Jean Redon, April 20, 1840 – July 6, 1916. He was a French symbolist painter, printmaking, draughtsman and pastellist. He drew from a child and worked mostly in charcoal and lithography until 1890 were he started to use more  pastel and oils.
His use of tone is incredible in his charcoal pieces and the subjects of  his drawings are warped and fascinating such as ''Spirit of the forest 1880'' witch is a drawing of a skelintoned body with an over sized fleshed head sprouting branches of its own like antlers well being stood perched on a branch.
Other later peaces of Odlilon Redon works such as 'The Buddha, 1904' with its heavy use of yellow/gold and it's illustration styled flowers Shers similarity with some of  Gustav Klimt's work.

How difficult did you find it to distinguish between light from the primary light source and secondary
reflected light?
I didn't have to much trouble distinguishing primary from secondary light as, if you can see the light scarce you can figure it out by the angles as well as intensely of light over distance in the earlier exercises I found the exaction of what I saw as the problem no some much processing the areas or the strength of light.

How has awareness of light and shade affected your depiction of form.
The excise on tonal shade has radical changed my depiction of form I think it was mostly walls hatching the apple I found that tonal shading can really be used to illustrate an object's shape, for instens how its a roughly ball shaped object that terns in to its self at the top and bottom.

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