Monday, 3 October 2011

Assignment 1

I feel as tho I'd done enoff preliminary work before starting man made objects final piece as it just all felt like a natural progression from piece to piece to an ending I'm happy with.
         The natural objects final peace however I feel could of done with at least one more preliminary peace after I moved the cherry tomatoes right in to the foreground as I think the shadows would of benefited from some prier experimentation before the final piece in there new positions.

My finale man made piece seems to have the razor out of proportion but I think its more the cluster of objects behind the razor although in proportion to each other are out of proportion to the piece its self as they my be to small but I am at least glad these objects are in proportion with them selves as they never quite were in the perlinery A2 media experimentation sketch.
   As for the natural objects the cherry tomatoes shadows in the final piece are in accurate. More preliminary work would probably of stopped that.

I'm happy with objects used and there arrangement in the man made piece as I think they held a strong theme even if the back ground did not, as well as had a good range of form and textures.
       If I were to start the natural piece again I would change the composition by adding more objects, perhaps an onion just try to get more difference in textures as the majority as it stands are quite waxy.

I think both pieces fit the paper but I feel the man made final piece would of done better if the set of objects at the back were in the correct scale for the peace as the tooth brushes would of stretched that little bit higher in to negative space. So I don't think either pieces would of benefited from working on A1 or bigger.

The pieces could be drawn better by some one else but I'm happy to of got them to the slandered they are as its far higher than I could of achieved last month and I think some of the capture of reflection and tone went well. However on the natural objects piece I never once manged to capture the plate as well as the other objects but at the same time I didn't consider it to be a key or impotent object in the composition.

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